Garburator Repair
Garburator Repair
A garbage disposal or garburator, is a device that is normally electrically powered and placed beneath a kitchen sink between the sink’s drain and lure.
It works by gathering all the unwanted food scraps and waste from your dishes, shredding them up into tiny bits and pieces, and passing them through the pipes into the waste drainage.
Garburators can be an extremely useful part of your kitchen and are a terrific solution to avoid the foul odor that comes with throwing food scraps into the garbage bin, or from food clogging the drain.
Trying to repair a broken garburator yourself, may potentially cause more damage leading to more costly repairs in the end. Sometimes, installing a new garburator is an inexpensive alternative to repairing an older, outdated one. Our experienced technicians throughout Coquitlam and Lower Mainland, BC are available to come to your home, diagnose the problem and provide the best solution for you.